Platinum, one of the world’s most beautiful metals is also one of the rarest – about 100 times more rare than gold. Because platinum is both a vital industrial metal and one with limited sources of supply, it is considered a strategic metal. The former Soviet Union and South Africa account for about 90% of the world’s primary platinum production. Canada produces about 5% of the platinum supplies, and the bulk of domestic platinum supplies are obtained from reclaiming operations or import. Fears of supply interruptions have resulted in the U.S. Government holding platinum in its Strategic Stockpiles. The United States depends largely on foreign platinum supply. Since platinum is commonly found in conjunction with nickel, a costly refining process is necessary to recover even menial quantities of the metal from tons of ore. This is a primary reason for platinum’s exceptionally high value. Combined with its rarity, the demand for platinum in the marketplace exceeds its free world supply, making it an extremely attractive investment opportunity.