Are Commodity Prices Volatile? It is important to know that they change 24hr /7 days a week to the second: This is not investment advice. We present a number of common arguments for and against investing in certain commodities. Please speak to us before making investment decisions in any commodity. There are way too many scams out there.
Whether it be Gold, Silver, Platinum or Palladium taking physical deliver is always best.
Please understand:
As with any market, commodities are driven by supply and demand. If there were man-made laws, we could all search and extract what we need from the ground, but that’s not how the market works. To understand supply and demand, we need to explore the basics of how the commodity market and its surrounding global economy operate. The main factors are: Raw Material Availability:
If regulatory bodies deem a commodity to be plentiful, there are fewer restrictions likely to be placed on its extraction due to environmental protection. If there is an oversupply of a commodity, there may also be restrictions to control the market. Geopolitics: International relations between nations and market makers also determine what companies can and can’t do, although some companies have enough funds to incentivize regulators to open up new extraction, processing, and trading opportunities.
Corporate Deals: Large multi-national companies account for both the highest supply and demand volumes, so corporate politics is also a huge factor in what enters and leaves the open market. Consumption: Products created by companies that buy raw commodities are sold to everyday consumers. Consumption is the fundamental driver of commodity supply and demand dynamics — if there were no one to buy, there would be no reason to make it.
Retail: Perhaps the least impactful factor on commodity supply and demand, though still worth mentioning. In comparison to commercial market volumes, retail buyers and sellers contribute a minuscule fraction to the global commodity market.
Call us at 914-301-5300 to get the best price possible and see how it compares with the rest.